Saturday, September 20, 2008


I just want to write some funny story...

There are 3 people from US, China, and Indonesia.
They are going into shooting competition.
They have to shoot an Apple which is put on a statue of Mother Mary

The first challenger is from USA.

He turn around, shoot from his back and exactly bull eyes the apple.
He then turn around again and posing by saying i'm James Bond.
everybody claps their hands and say, wah good..good..

The second Challenger, from China

She is being blindfolded and shot the apple. The apple is full of holes.
She then turn around and say i'm Michelle Yeoh.
Everybody claps their hand and cheer her up.

The third challenger, from Indonesia

He is shooting with eyes open directly see the apple. When he pull the trigger, unfortunately he shot the forehead of the Mother Mary.
He then turnaround and say I'm Sorry


thats the story for today...

^^ C ya..



ollfine sie said...

jayusss!! u shud attach some pics in order to make it funny.. mending km post cerita yg pendeta ato yg cerita surga neraka lebi lucuu..

Deny Iskandar said...

buset pek, baru tak post, kmu ud bales...

nti ae, besok2 kalo lagi ga ad ide baru tak post sisanya..

ollfine sie said...

kyahaha.. gayae idee.. ya dah author going to be! *claphands*
pek btw kenapa namaku opin nafsu yaaa?? terus itu knp nama display pic km juga opin nafsu?? beghh emang ak ngap km pekk.. klo cogan sampe lari smua km harus tanggung jwb pek, harus kau nikahi diriku.. LOL
btw org nganggur emang malem2 kerjaane ganti2 template! dsar plinplan.. template ae g bs stick to one, yg penting bukan layout nya, tp kualitas tulisannya! =P

Unknown said...

garing ah si deny..

Deny Iskandar said...

yah..jgn gitu atuh cob...
kan g lagi belajar ngisi blog...

Deny Iskandar said...

pek, ud ah...jgn ngebacot mulu...
suka2 dunk mau ganti template..
org template yg pertama just pick next, next, next....
awas ya kalo sampe ganti template juga...

ollfine sie said...

biarin kan katanya opin nafsu makanya ngebacot..
i like my current template kok.. wekk